Dormant Period Concrete

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  • Dormant Period Concrete

Hydration of Cement | Chemical Reactions in Hydration

Cement contains four main compounds of silica and alumina which when chemically upended with water, produce some hydration products. ... It is called induction or dormant period. As the hydration proceeds, the hydration products slowly begin to deposit on the original cement grains and make it arduous for water to diffuse into the unhydrated ...

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On the Origin of the Dormant Period of Cement Hydration …

The start of the nucleation and growth process coincides with the time of initial mixing, indicating that the initial slow reaction period known as the "induction period" is not a separate ...

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(PDF) Cement hydration mechanisms through …

Consequently, water will continuously diffuse to the interspace, causing a rise in pressure (dark blue). The dormant period is terminated by the rupture of the protective layer ③ …

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CIVL 1101

Early chemical reactions are temperature dependent. Stage 2 - Dormant period - causes cement to remain plastic (2-4 hours). The reaction slows. CH crystallizes from the solution, C-S-H …

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Ultrasound monitoring of setting and hardening process of …

Three-stage microstructure formation in normal cementitious pastes is changed into four stages in mortar and concrete mixtures: an initial rapid UPV increase stage (O→A), which is referred to as "pre-dormant period", then dormant stage, acceleration stage and finally the deceleration stage.

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Cement hydration mechanisms through time – a review

The so-called dormant period transitions into a period of renewed rapid heat production until the heat development peaks and finally slows down in the fourth period . The …

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Analytical model to parameterize the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete

The offset on time, t o, corresponds with the dormant period of cement hydration. A parametric study on the adiabatic temperature rise model suggested in this paper can provide a clear trend on the exponential model equation in Eq. (11). The dependency on the cement content can be more elaborated by parameterizing the adiabatic temperature rise.

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What are the Hydration Stages? How is Durable Concrete …

The dormant stage gives the construction crew time to transport, place, and finish the concrete while it is workable. Ready concrete produced with Portland cement has approximately 2 …

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Cement Hydration

Between B and C in Figure 2 there is a relatively dormant period which may last for a few hours where the hydration of all the clinker minerals progresses very slowly with little heat evolution.

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Cement hydration

In the anhydrous state, four main types of minerals are normally present: alite, belite, aluminate (C3A) and a ferrite phase (C4AF). For more information on the composition of clinker, see the clinker pages. Also present are small amounts of clinker sulfate (sulfates of sodium, potassium and …

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On the "Thixotropic" Behavior of Fresh Cement Pastes

However, in some cases, cement paste may demonstrate thixotropic behavior during the dormant period of cement hydration. The aim of this work is to propose an approach able to quantify the contribution of cement hydration during the dormant period and to examine the conditions under which the cement paste may display thixotropic behavior.

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Why Concrete Temperature Is Important

This is the period at which the fresh concrete is being transported and placed since it has not yet hardened and is still workable (plastic and fluid). The length of the dormant period has been shown to vary depending on multiple factors (cement type, admixtures, w/cm). The end of the dormant period is typically characterised by the initial set.

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What are the Hydration Stages? How is Durable Concrete …

The dormant stage gives the construction crew time to transport, place, and finish the concrete while it is workable. Ready concrete produced with Portland cement has approximately 2 hours of workability.

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Controlling cement hydration with nanoparticles

Especially C–S–H-seeds of low C/S-ratios, which provide large surface areas, have a strong accelerating impact by shortening the dormant period of cement hydration. In our experiments C–S–H-particles of two different commercial available compositions were used, xonotlite (6CaO⋅6SiO 2 ⋅H 2 O) and tobermorite (5CaO⋅6SiO 2 ⋅5H 2 O).

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CIVL 1101

Early chemical reactions are temperature dependent. Stage 2 - Dormant period - causes cement to remain plastic (2-4 hours). The reaction slows. CH crystallizes from the solution, C-S-H develops on the surface of the C 3 S and forms a coating.

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On the Origin of the Dormant Period of Cement …

The start of the nucleation and growth process coincides with the time of initial mixing, indicating that the initial slow reaction period known as the "induction period" is not a separate ...

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(PDF) Cement hydration mechanisms through time – a …

Consequently, water will continuously diffuse to the interspace, causing a rise in pressure (dark blue). The dormant period is terminated by the rupture of the protective layer ③ …

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Concrete Monitoring in Extreme Weather Condition

The dormant period is one of the most important stages because the concrete is still stiff to be in a workable and controllable condition. This phase ends with the initial set of concrete. PHASE 3: Strength Acceleration Period. In the 3rd stage, concrete starts to gain strength as it set into a hard and solid mass.

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Hydration of cement | PPT

Hydration of cement - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... There are five stages of cement hydration: mixing/dissolution, dormant period, acceleration, deceleration, and densification. The hydration reactions produce …

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Hydration of cement | PPT

11. Stages of hydration of C3S (Cont.) Stage-1 :- corresponds to a period of rapid evolution of heat, which ceases within about 15 min. Stage-2 :- corresponds to a dormant period which lasts for several hours during which the hydration is almost at halt. This is the reason why the concrete remains in plastic state for several hours. Stage-3 :- corresponds to acceleration …

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International Concrete Abstracts Portal

The evolution of rheological properties of cement-based materials during the dormant period of cement hydration depends on the coupled effect of temperature and time. Highly flowable concrete is increasingly being used to facilitate construction. Such concrete should be optimized to account for changes in workability during transport and ...

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Cement Hydration Reaction

The workability period covers stage I and part of stage II and it lasts for 1−3 hours [8]. Within this dormant period, the initial concrete set occurs (within 60 minutes) [8]. The final concrete set occurs within the subsequent stage. III. Acceleration or active reaction stage [8].

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Assessment of Heat of Hydration of High-Strength Concrete

Although the peak occurring time is almost the same for both samples, the dormant period shows slight advancement in the cement type 1 concrete mixture as shown in Fig. 9. The degree of hydration and the rate of heat evolution in a particular concrete mixture are both strongly correlated with the fineness of cementitious materials.

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Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Self-compacting Concrete: …

The results show, that the cracking tendency of SCC was the lowest in case of w/c ratio between 0.45 and 0.55, finer and more rapid hardening cement, and lower dosage of SP. The dormant period was ...

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Cement Hydration

Dormancy: Following the initial reaction, there is a period termed 'dormancy' where the hydration process appears to stall. Despite no visible changes, essential chemical reactions continue at a slower pace.

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Rheological properties of cement pastes: A discussion of …

The Vicat stress response is measurable at the end of the rheological measurements and is a continuation of the data obtained from rheological tests. As seen in Fig. 10, the time of initial set as identified by rheology corresponds to the end of the dormant period in cement hydration, as identified by the rate of chemical shrinkage. However ...

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Cement Hydration Reaction

The workability period covers stage I and part of stage II and it lasts for 1−3 hours [8]. Within this dormant period, the initial concrete set occurs (within 60 minutes) [8]. The final concrete set …

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On the Origin of the Dormant Period of Cement …

when retarders are added to C3S, a dormant period occurs, it is the case for gluconate addition. During hydration a complex calcium-gluconate adsorbs on first C-S-H nuclei and prevents them...

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Cement hydration mechanisms through time – a review

The so-called dormant period transitions into a period of renewed rapid heat production until the heat development peaks and finally slows down in the fourth period . The fourth or deceleration period will not be the focus of the …

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Cement hydration

At the end of the dormant period, the alite and belite in the cement start to react, with the formation of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium hydroxide. This corresponds to the main period of hydration (Stage III), during which time concrete strengths increase.

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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