F1080 Cone Crusher

Fintec track-mounted secondary cone crusher

Fintec's 1080 Track-mounted Cone Crusher system is a mobile unit that allows the crushing and screening system to follow the quarry face, reducing trucking costs. It features …

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Cone Crusher | 1300 Maxtrak

The Powerscreen® 1300 Maxtrak is a portable cone crushing plant which is ideally suited to secondary applications such as taking an all in feed from a primary crusher. Based around the 1300 Automax® cone crusher, the plant excels in the production of sub-base or aggregates, providing excellent cubicity, throughput and reduction ratios.

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Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher

Used Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher for sale. Engine Hours: 9,196. Crushing Hours: 7,124. CH430 Crushing Chamber. 5m3 Hopper Capacity. CSS Range: 7.5mm – 35mm. CSS Adjustment: Hydraulic. Capacity: Up to 220 MTPH. Max …

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® HP100™ cone crusher

This cone crusher a unique combination of crusher speed, throw, crushing forces and cavity design. This combination is renowned for providing higher capacity and superior end-product quality in all secondary, tertiary and quaternary applications. Field proven for years, HP series cone crushers are built to perform.

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Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher

Description. Used Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher for sale. Engine Hours: 9,196. Crushing Hours: 7,124. CH430 Crushing Chamber. 5m3 Hopper Capacity. CSS Range: 7.5mm ...

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1080 Cone Crusher

Fintec has introduced its 1080 Track-mounted Cone Crusher system to the U.S. recycling market. The mobile 385-hp secondary cone features high strength and high capacity with an all-in …

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Fintec 1080 Specifications & Technical Data (2005-2009)

See detailed specifications and technical data for Fintec 1080 manufactured in 2005 - 2009. Get more in-depth insight with Fintec 1080 specifications on LECTURA Specs.

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Mobile Crushing and Screening Units Mid-range

QH330 (F1080) CONE CRUSHER QH330 (F1080) Cone Crusher in Action • Variable belt speed for controlled and continuous feed • Adjustable bush setting to maximise product output • Hydraulic closed side setting adjustment • Metal detector located on the feed conveyor • Global aftermarket support, with standard stock parts to ensure

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General Information

QH330 (F1080) Cone Crusher Technical Specification General Information The QH330 facilitates the CH430 crusher to meet exacting product quality demands. Aggregate specifications have …

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qh330 cone crusher unit | Mining & Quarry Plant

QH330 Former name: Fintec F1080 cone crusher. The QH330 facilitates the CH430 crusher to meet exacting product quality demands. Cone Crushers | Do PDF Download. QH330 cone crusher unit in Action Technical specification sheet. The QH330 facilitates the CH430 crusher to meet exacting product quality demands.

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Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher From: Mining …

The 1080 track-mounted cone crusher system features a 385-hp H3800 crusher, developed with the CSC (cubical shape crushing) technique. 6.5-cu.-yd. hopper capacity and a 7 1/2-in. maximum ...

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Used Fintec 1080 for sale. Top quality machinery listings.

Used Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher for sale. Engine Hours: 9,196 Crushing Hours: 7,124 CH430 Crushing Chamber 5m3 Hopper Capacity CSS Range: 7.5mm – 35mm CSS …

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Cedarapids TC1000 Cone Crusher

The TC1000 Cone Crusher provides excellent reduction and product cubicity for the production of high quality aggregate and sub-base material. The TC1000 is available in both short throw and long throw versions with a maximum capacity of 75-200 tph and 95-240 tph respectively.

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Fintec 1080 Cone Crusher From: Mining

The 1080 track-mounted cone crusher system features a 385-hp H3800 crusher, developed with the CSC (cubical shape crushing) technique.

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Mobile Crushing and Screening Units Mid-range

QH330 (F1080) CONE CRUSHER QH330 (F1080) Cone Crusher in Action • Variable belt speed for controlled and continuous feed • Adjustable bush setting to maximise product output • …

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General Information

QH330 (F1080) Cone Crusher QH330 Hopper Width 2500mm / 98" Length 2450mm / 96" Capacity 5m³ / 6.5yd³ Type Static Feed Conveyor Belt width 1000mm / 39" Belt length 11845mm / 466" Degree of Incline 22° Type Belt Crusher Feed Opening 190mm / 7.5" Speed 400rpm CSS Adjustment Hydraulic Drive V-belts from Hydraulic Motor CSS Range 7.5 - 35mm

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FINTEC Construction Equipment For Sale

Browse a wide selection of new and used FINTEC Construction Equipment for sale near you at MachineryTrader. Top models include 542, 1107, 570, and 1080

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2008 FINTEC 1080 CONE CRUSHER. CH430 Cone c13 Engine Unit with 4000 hours on the Engine. Only 2300 crushing hours Call for more information

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Cone Crusher | 1000 Maxtrak

The high performance Powerscreen® 1000 Maxtrak portable rock crusher has been designed for direct feed applications without pre-screening on clean rock. At the heart of the Maxtrak is the Automax cone crusher with hydraulic setting, tramp release, and unblocking system.

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AVC Series Cone Crusher | Propel Industries

The AVC Series of Propel Cone Crusher offers the higher crushing efficiency and end product quality with lower cost per ton production. These crushers feature a unique combination of crusher speed, throw and cavity design. DOWNLOAD PDF. Get the full product details.

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MCC Series Cone Crusher

As a professional cone crusher manufacturer and supplier, we also offer Customized Crushers, Jaw Crushers, Impact Crushers, Crushing Plant Design, Portable Crushers, and more. Usually, a cone crusher is installed in a …

WhatsApp: +86 18221755073

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